AAC is a positive and loving congregation. We worship God enthusiastically and do our best to encourage and support each other. We’re laid back pursuers of Jesus who have left religion and judgment behind. We want you to feel loved, encouraged, and accepted when you’re with us. No personal judgments and no pressure.
Austin Alive Church is a community of people pursuing Jesus and His mission in the world. We are everyday people from all over Central Texas. At AAC you’ll find people of all ages, background and cultures. From the person just exploring Jesus to the most experienced Christ follower, all are important to us and help make up our family at AAC.
At AAC our mission is LOVE. We endeavor to help people find the life and love that is only found in the person of Jesus Christ. His impact on our lives has given us a LOVE for God, a LOVE for our selves, a LOVE for each other, and a LOVE for the people of Central Texas. We hold worship services, help the needy, teach, empower, mentor, and reach out to the communities of Central Texas in both spiritual and practical ways. It is our desire to make an impact on the world around us.
We believe the Bible is the perfect written word of God given to mankind. All of our beliefs are grounded in the scriptures.
1- The scriptures are inspired - The Bible was written by men of God who were moved by the Holy Spirit to write the scriptures. The Bible is God’s direct revelation of Himself to man. 2 Tim. 3:16,17 / 2 Peter 1:20,21 2- The one true God - The one true God is eternally existent in three persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. There is one God, the creator of all things. Eph. 4:6 / Matt. 28:19 3- Jesus is the Son of God - The Jesus of the Bible is the true and only Son of God who came to earth to save mankind. He is worthy of all praise and worship for He is the second person of the one true God; God the Son. Matt. 3:17 / Heb. 1:6 / John 1:34 4- The fall of man. The first man, Adam, sinned or disobeyed God in the garden of Eden thus bringing sin into the world. All of mankind born of the race of Adam are born in sin and in need of a Savior to save them from the penalty of sin. Gen 3:7-24 / Rom.5:12-19 / Rom. 3:23 5- The salvation of man - Jesus, the Son of God, came to give His life to pay the penalty for the sin of mankind. Those who receive Him as Savior and Lord will be saved from that penalty and become children of God. Salvation is completely from God and man’s only part is to accept. Rom 6:23 / Luke 19:10 / Rom 10:9,10 6- The ordinances of the Church a. Baptism in Water -To baptize in water all who accept Jesus as their Savior and Lord. To baptize by completely submerging the person in water in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Matt. 28:19 / Rom.6:4,5 / Acts 10:47,48 b. Holy Communion -To take the emblems of the bread and drink regularly as symbols of the broken body ( bread ) and shed blood (drink) of the Lord Jesus. Luke 22:19,20 / 1Cor. 11:23-26 7- The baptism in the Holy Ghost - The infilling of believers in Christ Jesus with the Holy Spirit; The third person of the one true God. The Baptism in the Holy Ghost is for all believers. Acts 1:5 / Acts 2:1-4 / Acts 11:15,16 8-Sanctification - Sanctification is the fruit of God working in and changing a Christian to become like Jesus Christ. a. Separation from evil. 1Thess. 4:3 b. Devotion to God. 2Cor 7:1 / 1Thess. 5:23,24 9-The church and its mission - The church is a local and world wide body of believers united in faith in Christ. The church’s mission is four fold. 1-Love The World Matthew 25:35-40 / Romans 15:26 / 2Cor. 8:4,9 2-Lead People To Jesus Acts 1:8 / Matthew 28:19,20 3-Grow Believers Col. 1:9-11 / Eph. 4:11-1 / Luke 4:18,19 / 1 Cor.12:7 4-Love God Heb.10:25 / 1Cor. 1:21 / 1Thess. 5:17,18 10-The ministry - God wishes to fulfill His will on Earth through people. Therefore, He calls and equips Christians to minister to others. There are many different gifts and callings that God gives to believers for the purpose of ministry. Eph.4:11,12 / 2Tim 4:5 / 1Cor 12:28-31 11-Divine healing - God is still healing people today as in the Bible. Healing was purchased by the suffering of Jesus for mankind. James 5:14 / Isaiah 53:5 / Acts 10:38 12-The blessed hope - The Christian has been given the promise that someday Jesus will return again for all who are in Christ and take them with Him forever. Titus 2:11-14 / 1Thess. 4:13-17 13-The millennial reign of Christ - A thousand year period in which Christ Jesus will come to Earth and rule the world in perfect peace. Rev. 20:1-10 14-The final judgement - There is coming a day in which the world and all who have rejected Christ will be judged for their sin and will be sent to a place prepared for the devil and his angels. The Bible calls this place hell. Ezek. 33:11 / Rev. 20:10 / Matt. 23:33 / Rev 21:8 15-The new heavens and a new earth - After the devil and his angels and all who have rejected Christ have been cast into the lake of fire, God will create a new heaven and a new earth where all who are saved will live for eternity with God. Rev. ch21 / Heb. 11: 8-10
AAC is a positive and loving congregation. We worship God enthusiastically and do our best to encourage and support each other. We’re laid back pursuers of Jesus who have left religion and judgment behind. We want you to feel loved, encouraged, and accepted when you’re with us. No personal judgments and no pressure.
Austin Alive Church is a community of people pursuing Jesus and His mission in the world. We are everyday people from all over Central Texas. At AAC you’ll find people of all ages, background and cultures. From the person just exploring Jesus to the most experienced Christ follower, all are important to us and help make up our family at AAC.
At AAC our mission is LOVE. We endeavor to help people find the life and love that is only found in the person of Jesus Christ. His impact on our lives has given us a LOVE for God, a LOVE for our selves, a LOVE for each other, and a LOVE for the people of Central Texas. We hold worship services, help the needy, teach, empower, mentor, and reach out to the communities of Central Texas in both spiritual and practical ways. It is our desire to make an impact on the world around us.
We believe the Bible is the perfect written word of God given to mankind. All of our beliefs are grounded in the scriptures.
1- The scriptures are inspired 2- The one true God 3- Jesus is the Son of God 4- The fall of man 5- The salvation of man 6- The ordinances of the Church a. Baptism in Water b. Holy Communion 7- The baptism in the Holy Ghost 8- Sanctification - a. Separation from evil. b. Devotion to God. 9- The church and its mission 1-Love The World 2-Lead People To Jesus 3-Grow Believers 4-Love God 10- The ministry 11- Divine healing 12- The blessed hope 13- The millennial reign of Christ 14- The final judgement 15- The new Heavens and Earth